GEO Mats™

The GEO Mats are, most simply, a transparent gaming surface with a pre-printed grid on it - it puts a grid on top of any printed mat surface. Perfect for role play gaming or miniature wargaming. It is the original and the best transparent overlay out there. Once more, you can draw on the surface with wet-erase markers or grease pencils and easily erase the marks. Reveal new elements to the gamers by placing 2D images underneath as they are encountered and 3D objects on top to really immerse the gamers into the world they are exploring or battling within.
- Multiple sizes of Square and Hex Grids
- Multiple sizes of GEO Mats
- Really see the GEO Mat come to life when paired with F.A.T. Mats (sold separately) designed especially for role play gaming like Cave Floor, Dungeon Floor, Grassy Plains, & Cobbletown!
Grids on various mats: